SECOND ATTACK ON SCHWEINFURT The American Eighth Air Force leadership considered the first raid on Schweinfurt a success and that the ball bearing industry had been dealt a severe blow. But photo reconnaissance showed that repairs were quickly being made, so on October 14, 1943 a return raid was planned. For the American B-17 crews who flew this day, the mission proved to be as night- marish as the first Schweinfurt raid on August 17. As the B-17s crossed the Dutch coast, they were set upon by wave after wave of German fighters. The escorting American fighters were inadequate in number and could only defend the bombers to the German border. Once the American fighters had turned for home, the German fighters intensified their attacks and continued them all the way to Schweinfurt. A total of 60 B-17s were lost to the German inter- ceptors. The bombers did heavy damage to the ball bearing plants but the bomber losses were crippling. At this loss rate the American bomber offensive would cease to exist. This raid was the final confir- mation that long range escort was needed to protect the bombers all the way to their target. YOUR MISSION Flying a FW 190 from JG 26, intercept the American attack as it crosses the Dutch coast headed for Schweinfurt. The B-17 formation to the west is being escorted by P-47s. Press home a rocket attack, then swing around again for a full machine gun and cannon attack.